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School Policies Take Precedence Over Your Child’s Safety, Well-being, and Life.

Updated: Aug 20

It’s outrageous. Absolutely outrageous. Your child could be bullied to the point of contemplating suicide, but guess what? The school’s response is to shrug and say, “Sorry, we can’t move her seat at lunch because of our precious seating assignment policies.” Unbelievable.

Let me break this down for you: The mother I met this morning is dealing with a nightmare scenario. Her daughter is in middle school, and for a whole year, she’s been mercilessly targeted by a group of girls. And what’s the school’s brilliant solution this year? Plop her right back into the same group’s midst during lunch. Why? Because moving her seat would disrupt their oh-so-sacred seating assignments.

And it doesn’t stop there. Two boys had the audacity to threaten her daughter with rape. Rape! And what does the school do? Nothing. They can’t take action because—wait for it—there’s no concrete proof. So, while this poor girl endures a relentless torment and lives in fear, the school does precisely nothing.

This is the sad state of our education system. It’s like the school’s mantra is, “We don’t care if your child is suffering, as long as we can stick to our outdated policies.” It’s like they’re waiting for a tragedy to occur before they’ll do anything to address any real issues.

So here’s a question for the Richview Middle School in Clarksville TN: What would you say to this mother if, God forbid, her daughter became just another tragic statistic? Would you still be defending your asinine policy on seating assignments? Or would you finally wake up and realize that maybe, just maybe, the well-being of students should trump rigid, useless rules?

I would apologize for my language if I was sorry, but I’m not. This isn’t just a case of poor policy; it’s a failure of empathy, responsibility, and basic decency.

The school psychiatrist was great and promptly responded to my email this morning copying several people from the administrative team. However, I have yet to receive a single response from any of them.

If I received an email about this, I would immediately drop whatever I was doing to ensure this student's safety.


And for those who are wondering if maybe I should have given them more time to respond, no! For every minute that they don't respond, it feels like 10 years to the kid who's going through it.

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